Repairing Burst Pipes & Leak Detection
Burst Pipes

Burst Pipes & Leak Detection
Repairing burst pipes and leaks is an extremely common plumbing service.
Many bursts are easy to spot.
Western Australia’s sandy soil can corrode copper mains pipes causing pinholes and weaknesses in the line. These can be located in ground or under concrete and are often indicated by pools of water coming to the surface. As soon as you notice a burst or a leak, locate your water mains and turn it off. Then give us a call!
Or, did you just try to hang a picture and you’ve drilled through a pipe and now there’s water squirting all over your living room? You’re not the first and you won’t be the last -we’ll help you! Turn your water off at the meter, give us a call and we’ll be there today.
But how do you know if you have a hidden leak or burst?
There are a number of indicators to look out for:
Do you have an unusually high water bill?
This can be a particularly annoying way to discover that there may be a leak in your house, when your water bill sky rockets and you can’t account for the usage! Rest assured, when we find your leak we can help by submitting a leak loss application. This is an electronic form filled out by a registered plumber that informs Water Corp of the leak at your property. From there you can deal directly with their accounts department to organise a credit for the wasted water. If you’d like more information about the processes, head over to Water Corp’s website for details.
Can you actually hear water running in the wall?
You may not be able to see it, but you can hear it and you know it’s not good. Turn your water off at the meter to minimise the damage, and give us a call!
Have you noticed peeling paint on an adjoining bathroom/wet area wall, do you have persistent mold issues or have you noticed broken tiles in your shower?
These can indicate serious, hard to detect plumbing issues that need to be addressed quickly before they cause extensive damage. Using specialised testing methods, Watson Services’ experienced plumbers can carry out the otherwise difficult detection of these leaks.
Our methods include:
Manual Testing
Sometimes nothing beats the good old fashion way of literally finding a leak by hand. This can include manually checking taps and valves, getting into the roof or under the house to check pipes, or cutting out a wall to investigate the cavity.
Pressure Testing
We use pressure testing to determine exactly where your leak is coming from by testing sections one at a time. This method can expose even the smallest of leaks that you didn’t know were there.
Thermal Imaging
Our thermal imaging service uses the latest technology to provide fast detection and minimise damage to your property. Unlike traditional methods, thermal imaging allows us to be far less invasive while providing a clear photograph of your leak.